Are Hot Tubs Really Worth the Money in 2022?
Our lives today are the very results of all the decisions we have made in the past. Whether they turn out good or not-so-good, we learn to live with them and make the best of what we have. Included in possibly one of the biggest decisions a homeowner would make is whether or not to purchase a hot tub.
Hot tubs are great! Ask anybody with a spa, and they will surely give you stories of good times spent in the tub. But they may also tell you about some of the minor inconveniences they have to go through with their hot tub journey. Just like owning anything else, it requires care and maintenance.
To paraphrase Hamlet: to own, or not to own, that is the question.
In this blog, we will discuss the pros and cons of owning a piece of a resort in the comfort of your own home. We will be as unbiased as we can and speak objectively about the five benefits and five drawbacks to help you get to a decision with peace of mind. Let's begin.
- Hot Tubs Provide Value in Relationships
Hot tub owners look forward to weekends with their families because they no longer need to drive dozens of miles to go to the nearest resort. They just pop a can or two of their favorite beer, turn up the heat on their barbeque, and the afternoon is filled with giggles and absolute bliss. Of course, a hot tub is also a great tool to steam up the intimacy between a couple.
- Hot Tubs Alleviate Stress
Numerous scientific literature is published year by year, studying and proving how hot tubs can relieve stress among their users. In fact, passive body heating (through hydrotherapy) is linked to better breathing and an overall sense of peace.
- Hot Tubs Relieve Pain
When our muscles are strained, they tighten to constrict blood flow. This causes discomfort for everyone. Well, according to a 2014 study, hydrotherapy (or dipping in a hot tub) can significantly increase blood circulation and, in turn, relax sore muscles.
- Hot Tubs are an Investment to a Good Night's Sleep
Dozens of serious diseases are attributed to a chronic lack of sleep. Not getting enough shut-eye can weaken our immune systems and make us vulnerable to diseases and infections. Well, a group of biomedical engineers tested how passive body heating (either a long hot shower or a dip in a hot tub) 1-2 hours before bedtime can improve sleep. They found that it can stabilize our body's core temperature and give us more Zs in the night.
- Hot Tubs can Increase a Home's Value.
When properly planned, a home spa ups the selling price of the house. This is dependent on how good it is placed on the yard and other aesthetic factors. This, however, can play out differently when the hot tub is installed without foresight.
Now let us talk about the challenges one might have to go through on their journey as a hot tub owner.
- Hot Tubs Requires Maintenance
Like buying anything with a machine, hot tubs need to be routinely checked every now and then to maintain perfect running condition. And like cars, hot tubs may break down too. Yes, breakdowns are avoidable as long as maintenance efforts are kept well and up-to-date.
- Hot Tubs Come With Water and Chemical Costs
The good news is you do not have to change your hot tub's water that often. 2-4 water changes in a year would do, provided your water doesn't get murky. (Check this out: Murky Hot Tub Water: Why it Happens and 5 Ways to Fix It) Chemicals such as chlorine and defoamers are great to keep handy; they cost money but are not very expensive.
- Hot Tubs can be Expensive (Upfront)
It's not like an industry secret salesmen keep from the public. We all know that hot tubs can hurt the pocket a little bit. The entry-level spas range around $3000 and up, and the extra luxurious ones can go as high as $20,000. Of course, it depends on the make and model of the spa, but the more features a hot tub has, the more value it can give.
- Hot Tubs also have Installation Costs.
This is what a lot of first-time hot tub buyers forget to take into account. Whatever the cost of your hot tub is, add about $1000 to $1500 that to cover installation costs. As trained hot tub repairmen, we do not recommend that you do the installation yourself. Installation can have a hefty price tag, but a house burnt to a crisp is far more bank-breaking.
- Hot Tubs Add to the Power Bill
This is a given. Hot tubs use energy to heat the water you will be enjoying. Regular use can add around a monthly increase of $20-$50 on your monthly bill. But the technology is getting better and better, so newer hot tub models are now energy efficient.
So, do you think it's worth it?
Ultimately, we want you to ask yourself why you are buying a hot tub. When the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, and you buy one, we know you will enjoy every second of it.
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